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What’s the point of having an eCommerce website when you do not have enough traffic that leads to more conversions?

The success or failure of every business, either online or physical is dependent upon the customers. If a business doesn’t have enough customers, then the chances of its growth and survival become very thin.

Thanks to digital marketing, you can easily market your brand online to get organic traffic to your store.

By using the Google ads strategy, you can now shine through the crowd and welcome a huge potential audience at your store.

If you are a beginner and have no clue about Google ads, then don’t worry. Today’s article will focus on the Google ads guide for beginners. It will teach you step-by-step to set up Google AdWords for your business.

Check out this step-by-step Google Ads tutorial you:

1. Create An Account

Create An AccountThe first step is to set up your Google ads account. Log on to and press the ‘Start Now’ button.

You’ll come to a setup where you’ll have to provide your email address and website that you will send your ads to. Moreover, you’ll also be required to set your country, time zone, and currency.

This process is quite simple and won’t take much time. Once you have provided all the relevant information asked, click the button, ‘Create Your First Campaign’.

2. Calculate The AdWords Budget

Now comes the important part. Google will not run your ads for free, right? You have to pay something to bring you the right people for your business.

Calculating your budget is pretty simple. You don’t need complicated formulas for this purpose.

Let’s begin to calculate the budget for your business.

To begin with, you’ll be needing two things:

  1. Profit per sale

  2. Conversion rate

Suppose you are selling headphones that cost $50 each. Out of that $50 you get a profit of $35. So $35 is your profit per sale.

Let’s move on to the conversion rate. This refers to the audience who turns into your customer. For example, for every 100 views, you get 1 customer. So, your conversion rate is 1%.

Now you have to decide how much percentage of your profit are you willing to give to Google? Let’s say you decide to give 10.5 dollars to Google from your profit i.e. 30% of your profit.

Profit per sale: $35
Commission for google: 30% OR 0.3
Conversion rate: 1% or 0.01

Let’s put everything in the equation below to calculate the cost per click.

Cost per Click = Profit per sale x Commission percentage for Google x Conversion rate

$35 x 30% x 1% = $0.105

You will spend $0.105 per click on Google AdWords and continue to make $24.5, provided your conversion rate remains the same.

It wasn’t difficult, was it?

3. Select Keywords

The most important step of this Google ads guide for beginners. Head to Google Keyword Planner and search for the relevant keywords.

Think about how your customers will find you? Or which words will they enter to search for the product you are dealing in? Use those words.

Then set the right country and language, under the section of ‘Targeting’.

Next, click the button ‘Ideas tab’. Here you will see how many times the keywords that you selected were used by the people during a month, along with its CPC.

This will give you a better idea of which keywords to select. An average person would love to bombard keywords to get huge traffic…but this is not a good option.

Why? Remember that Google is selling you its service, it would want you to add as many keywords as you can. Because you have to pay more cuts to Google for each keyword.

4. Improve Your Landing Page

Improve Your Landing PageRemember, you are paying a good amount of money to get traffic to your store. Make sure that you convert traffic into your customers.

For this purpose, it is important to have a good landing page to increase conversions.
If the landing page is not convincing then your audience will leave without purchasing anything from you.

To optimize your landing page, follow the below guidelines to increase your conversion rate:

  1. Go for simple designs. Don’t clutter your webpage with unnecessary and annoying elements such as popups, images, videos, etc. These elements will also slow down the speed of your website.
  2. Use a powerful headline to capture the attention of your audience. Make sure it is compelling and makes the customer do what you want him to.
  3. Avoid using difficult vocabulary or terms that will not be understood by a layman. Use simple language for writing copies. Be very clear.
  4. Divide your content into headings, bullet pointers, etc. Use images and other graphical content to keep your customers engaged. However, do not bombard your customer with it.

5. Write Your Ad

Finally, the step for which you have been waiting for so long. Does your ad have to be special or an ordinarily crafted ad would bring the same results?

The answer is your need to have a few important things to make it a great ad and lure people to click on it.

Remember, your ad has to be short, sweet, and simple to remain effective. Therefore forget about lengthy paragraphs of who you are and what you do.

Your ad must have a unique value proposition, or else why would a customer click an ad? You must convince your audience that clicking on the ad will do them more favor than to you.

Do not make the mistake of bragging about how successful your business is, or how many years of experience you have. People are not interested in knowing that, do you know why? Because the information of your experience or expertise is of no use to them. You must highlight the benefit that they are going to receive by clicking the ad.

A great Google Ad has the following features:


It should be powerful and unique, or else it will fade in the huge crowd of other ads.

Display Your Web Address

Your audience should know where they’ll land upon clicking the link.

Ad Copy

2 lines are all that you’ll get to deliver your message and invite your audience to visit your page. Tell your customers what benefits they will get from your website.

Clear Call-To-Action

The most important thing is to mention the CTA in your ads. Tell your customer what they are supposed to do. Do mention the action you want the person to take, for instance, ‘Order now’, ‘Shop Today’, ‘Visit Now’, etc.

6. Set Up Conversion Tracking

We are almost towards the end…

The last step of our step-by-step Google AdWords is to set up all the relevant conversion tracking for your website.

To track the conversion simply go to the dashboard and click on tools. A dropdown menu will appear. Select the option of conversion from the menu.

Google provides the following option to set up conversion tracking for your business:


It tracks purchases, form submissions, and other actions taken by the audience on your website.


It tracks app downloads and in-app actions.

Phone Call

It tracks calls to your business by using Google forwarding number


This option tracks online or offline conversions by uploading data from another system.
Do not forget to set up all the conversion tracking options, or else you’ll never learn how effective your ads were.

7. Keep An Eye On The Analytics

You don’t have to sit once your ads have started to run, no. You still have work to do.

While your ads run, make sure to take into consideration the analytical data of your ads. It will give you an insight into which ads are working for your business and which aren’t. This will help you in developing your Google ads strategy.

You can use the features of the ads that increased the conversions and avoid the mistakes that lowered your conversions. This will improve your ROI and you’ll create the precise ads that make people click your ad.

The process of learning about Google ads doesn’t end here. Just dive in and you’ll learn more as you keep running your ad campaign on Google ads.

Wrapping It Up

Google is undoubtedly the pioneer of search engines. On average Google receives 3.8 million queries each minute.

This means a mass audience comes to Google daily to search with the intent of finding a solution to their queries. What would be better to advertise your brand on a platform where millions of people come daily?

Google Ads provides the opportunity to raise your marketing game one more notch. The ROI of Google ads is higher than any other platform in the world.

Don’t believe us? Well, read this: For every dollar spent on Google ads, the business owner generates twice the revenue.

So, what are you waiting for? Use the above Google Ads guide for beginners and double your revenue.

Good Luck!