Electra Mirrors – 71% Growth in 60 Days
Before implementing anything, all resources went to research. We noticed the competitors and the type of creatives they have, and compared their offers with Electra’s. We noticed the strengths and weaknesses of the business, in order to come up with a SUSTAINABLE strategy for a mid to high ticket business.
Low advertising budget ➝ As the business was relatively new on the market, our starting budget was modest, so we had to find ways of rapid testing & stabilizing within a certain budget.
The challenge here doesn’t come from the modest budget, but from the mid to high ticket offers, as the business is selling products worth hundreds of dollars, so the buying time frame was extended for the future customer.
Solution: We looked at the best ads from competitors and we knew exactly what we need to do in order to improve the ads or at least have a starting point. As a result, we were able to get a 4 ROAS on our cold campaign, after rapidly testing different type of formats.

Not a lot of social proof & brand awareness ➝ By the time we started, we had limited resources in terms of product images, UGC content or influencers collabs.
Solution: This has changed over time as we focused not just on the paid ads since, but also on the brand awareness & getting those reviews from the customers. With the help of the client, we were able to constantly test out different product picture and lifestyle pictures, directly from the IG account. As we started to get sales, we implement certain email flows, in order to get reviews from clients.

Higher pricing point than competition ➝ This wasn’t necessarily a “challenge” or a bad thing, although we knew our offer could be improved as competitors had a lower pricing point.
Solution: We ran a quick form to current customers, in order to see what are the pain points and what the solution would be in order to “make them buy again”. This form helped us with a couple insights that we didn’t know about, and it was clear to us that a “Buy 1 Get 1” type of offer would establish superiority & will increase our conversion rate.
We simply tested different types of offers and worked on quantity based discounts in order to get better results.

Overall, with NO budget increase, we were able to achieve a 71% growth in just 60 days, and that’s just the starting point.